Instagram presents brands and businesses with a great opportunity to market their products to a more targeted and interested audience without spending a big part of their marketing budget as it has one billion-plus monthly active users that are more engaged than other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Whether you sell products, have an online store, or just want people to recognize your brand, it is the right time to create an account on Instagram to get marketing advantages that Instagram offers. To help you get started, here we have Instagram marketing tips that can help you sell more.
Make use of Free Instagram Tools
You can create and complete your Instagram business profile with ‘contact us’ call to action that lets users email, call, or message your business directly. Moreover, business profiles have access to analysis or insights to look into the impression and engagement data for better marketing strategies. If you are using a personal profile for your business, then you should convert it into an Instagram business account to take advantage of these free Instagram tools to understand your target audience. The more you understand your audience, the better you can improve your procedures and marketing tactics to improve engagement.
Create an Interactive Corporate Hashtag
If you really want to create buzz around your brand, you should create and promote an interactive hashtag for your brand to increase engagement. You can create a hashtag that people often use to tag their new photos with the products they are interested in or have purchased recently. It will encourage more followers to use the hashtag when they post their photos with an intention to get featured on your Instagram profile. Whenever they use your hashtag to update a status or post a picture, they are exposing your brand or product to all of their followers. As a result, you are able to reach a wider audience even without spending a penny.
Don’t Overwhelm your Audience
Every brand wants to post updates on its Instagram profile often to make it relevant and engaged, but at the same time, they also don’t want to overwhelm followers so they unfollow. There is not a particular Instagram posting formula that works great for all brands but you can test to see how your followers respond and when they are delighted to see your updates. You can post content twice a day at different times to see the engagement rates. Increase the number of posts slowly and when you reach your target engagement point, you should adjust your posting schedule accordingly to keep your followers updated regularly even without making them overwhelmed.
Interact with Followers to Grow
Whenever someone leaves a comment on your post, be sure to spend enough time to reply and show your gratitude. Simple and organic engagement creates loyal customers and increases brand recognition as well. Also, create interactive content to make sure more of your followers interact with your posts. For instance, using caption ‘tag some of their friends who love this’ for one of your products can help you present your product in front of the broader audience that might be interested in your product. When people are introduced to your brand on Instagram through one of their friends, they are more likely to connect with you to ask questions or to make purchases.
Instagram Stories
Almost 50% of active Instagram user base regularly engages with Instagram stories. This great feature could be used by your brand or business to provide followers with a fun factor in many ways. You can also create behind the scene short videos to let them know how you run your business processes. Most of the businesses also spend money on Instagram stories ads, as it is one of the latest Instagram marketing trends these days. such ads are shown in between Instagram stories to make them natural. However, you should be creating interesting and appealing content for Instagram stories ads in order to effectively grab the attention of the target audience. The use of native content in your stories can help you secure more local leads and sales. You can also add landing page links and product purchase links to encourage your audience for instant purchases.
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